DEV Community

Discussion on: How to (actually) reduce your time spent in meetings

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Brandin Chiu

I suggest visible and exaggerated eye rolls for people who interject that agendas don't work for meetings.

Agendas are essential to running effective meetings.

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Betsy Nelson

I'm utterly surprised by people that are so egotistical they think that they can organize things better than a organizational concept that has been going on since... well idk when people started using agendas but it's BEEN AWHILE.

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Brandin Chiu

I'm open to the idea that ya know, things change, and maybe agendas aren't actually helpful and it's all anecdotal.

What bothers me is the disgust at the idea. It's active pursuit of ignorance as if even attempting to use an organizational device makes them lesser.

I will never understand it.