DEV Community

Discussion on: Switching back to my old buddy Sublime Text from VS Code 🤷🏻‍♂️

brandoncc profile image
Brandon Conway

I made this exact same switch last week! I got tired of my 16GB MBP being unresponsive. It isn't just 4GB machines, VS Code will bring any machine to it's knees when using flow and the vscodevim.

gibbitz profile image
Paul Fox

I tried vscode for about a week. It locked up on a 32gb workstation. I had better luck with eclipse based IDEs in the past, but I'm done with any software that uses more than 500mb of RAM including OS processes if I have a choice. Unfortunately I have to watch my work laptop hog 6gb for MacOS and Forcepoint...

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Yeah, my point exactly.