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Discussion on: useEffect firing twice in React 18

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Rense Bakker

No... there's a real functional difference. Updating state in a useEffect hook triggers another rerender on top of the rerender you were already getting from the state update that caused the dependencies of your useEffect hook to change. It's very important to understand this if you're going to be using React hooks, because otherwise you will run into performance issues and unexpected app behavior down the line. useMemo does not trigger a rerender, regardless of how many dependencies you pass into it.

You can opt for putting the logic to calculate your derived state directly into the render function of your component, however, that too can become a problem, for example if you try to render a lot of components at the same time and all of them have a bunch of junk happening inside their render functions, your app will become slow, to a point where it becomes unusable.

It's not an argument, it's a fact that useMemo works this way. It memoizes expensive calculations, so they dont have to happen on each render if the dependencies did not change.