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Discussion on: What is your PageSpeed?

bretgeek profile image
bretgeek • Edited

I care. Browser rendering time affects the user experience and ultimately SEO.

anders profile image

SEO has been a big reason for me as well (obviously User Experience is No 1), but for SEO its basically relative to other competing sites for the same keywords, and they are very often not scoring super well. So good for us I guess =)

bretgeek profile image

What I mean is user experience via slow pagespeed affects SEO because google knows when people bounce from your slow site and then they gig you for it :)

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anders profile image

As they should, there has been many a time when I've hit ghe back button when something isn't loading properly.

Just the other day poor UX also made me choose a competitor to deliver a product for $1200, so yeah, it has an impact for sure.