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Discussion on: My monolith doesn't fit in your serverless

brpaz profile image
Bruno Paz • Edited

Nice article.

I believe that when many people talking about Serverless, they think mostly about Lambda functions and similar.

But for me, Serverless is much more than that. (I wrote about it here).

A good example of a Platform that implements my vision of serverless is Google Cloud Run.
You just need a container and you can run it with one click. You can deploy your traditional Rails, Laravel apps while still benefit from some of the serverless advantages like no infrastructure to manage, and "infinite" scalability (including scale to 0).

Together with a Serverless Database like Fauna DB or a traditional MySQL / Postgres running on some instance, and you can get pretty far.

iamcherta profile image
Gabriel Chertok

I'm glad you like it!

I don't know Google Cloud Run, I must check it. I use a "similar" approach with, it's not the same and focused solely on Rails, but it gets the job done without too much magic which is something a value a lot.

I read your article and I completely agree on the approach that FaaS is not Serverless, that's for me the next step in the way we see serverless.