DEV Community

Discussion on: ✨♻️ JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop

brunouyuy profile image

Hi, you can try this:

        function wait5seconds() {
            const plus5seconds = new Date().getTime() + 5000;
            while ( plus5seconds > new Date().getTime() ) {}

            console.log( 'wait5seconds end' );

        function clickHandler() {
            console.log( 'click event' );

        document.addEventListener( 'click',
            clickHandler ); // al comunicarme con la API del DOM estoy saliendo de JS 

        console.log( 'end script execution' );
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Execute this script, and press a lot of clicks, the clicks events will appear at the end ( because the dom events are push into the queue.

I think that what you need to take into consideration is when you are performing a task that it might take some time, that might block the UI.

gaurangdhorda profile image

In this particular case de-bouncing is useful when we click on button..