DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm Changing How I Review Code

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Bryan Swagerty

I'm more engaging after I pull down code and poke at it in my IDE and try to run it than just commenting on a webpage.

Yeah, I would agree the depth of engagement is higher when you give it that level of attention. And I definitely would prefer my teammates to dig deep and run the code, especially on particularly complex code changes.

Also, I wonder: is engagement on a pull request the right thing to optimize for? Shouldn't we optimize for the best solution or the best code?

That's a great question. I don't think it's the only the thing you optimize for. But I think it's generally better to get broad exposure, especially on significant changes. This doesn't only benefit the quality of code going into the codebase, but also is an opportunity for the team to keep up to date on the latest changes and to engage in discussion and learn from each other.