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Discussion on: One Year Using Go

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edwinj profile image
Edwin Jose

I have no hate for your personally so I don't get what incentive I have to "defame" you and I didn't write that article nor do I have any connection with the guy who did so what would be the point of using a clickbait.

The reason I recommend people to not use the iris framework is because the framework is based on fasthttp which you give no credit to.
You also stealed code from httprouter which you didn't give any credit to and when they mentioned it as an issue, you edited the issue to hide from it: link_to_issue.

You cheat on your benchmarks by enabling cache: link_to_issue

If its just one or two small things then you could just let it go but you have been doing this for a long time and when you get called out for it, you just simply erase the history and make it look like nothing happened.

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kataras profile image
Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Dear friend,

I wasn't even sure if I had to reply on this but I am doing this for your own protection, I never reply to these type of deflamations.

Now, it's time to see how a person like you can be fooled by reading other's fake-blog post.

Lie 0: I never stole a thing, this is the biggest lie. Did you read the author's comments on this subject? Did you ever read the license of an open-source project?

Did you ever wondered why Iris' router was faster than httprouter when it had one default router? Oh yes, I took it from another Planet, I can't do it myself because you can't, right?

Lie 1: Iris is not based on fasthttp. It's based on HTTP/2 net/http, but when it was (2 versions ago lol) I gave credits to valyala and valyala to me (read both READMEs please), lazy to search & read?

Lie 2: Iris was never used cache by-default, yes we have app.Cache to wrap a handler for cache but benchmarks are not written with these cache handlers, benchmarks repo is also open-source, lazy to read?

Lie 3: I didn't created the benchmarks,a third-party guy which I never had the chance to met did these benchmarks and you could see it if you just clicked on the image of the benchmark, lazy to click?

Beside the fact that you lie without even feeling sorry, you seem lazy, it's time to change that bad behavior of yours!

So what's the reason behind your comment here? When you even don't know the facts by yourself if no clickbait and excuses to deflame Iris?

Read the repository and its code, it's open-source for the sake, don't be lazy.

Laziness is not a permanent property, you can change it starting from today.
You're not "bad".

We all learn from our mistakes eventually.
In order to fix something you need to understand what's wrong first.
When you'll understand what you did you will be able to fix that with an apology, I'll accept that. It doesn't hurts, believe me.


I'm really sorry guys. I am not used to reply on these type of comments and maybe that was my mistake. Sorry my personal tune but you may would do the same in my current position.


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chmike profile image
Christophe Meessen

Hi Kataras,

I've seen on the web that you are subject to strong negative publicity for some time now. I also see that Iris is under intense development and well maintained. This is a big PLUS for an open source project, especially if people may want to rely on your software for their business.

Some critics that may have been justified in the past are probably not justified anymore. You may not use FastHttp any more, but I'm confident you used it in the past. This not a critic. It's just to explain that you are probably both right and that no one is lying. But I understand that you have become very defensive.

As I was evaluating Go, I managed to create a web site in a week by using Iris. This was an impressive experience and it definitely convinced me that Go was a real tool to do serious work.

I now see that Iris of today has gone a long way since mid 2016 and what may have been true some months and years ago is not true anymore. So I hope for you that the echoes of old critics fade away and all your efforts to build a great and easy to use web framework will finally pay.

However, the way you handle negative feedback may not have changed enough yet. This is harming your image of a dedicated and awesome developer. Better not respond if you're not sure how to turn the exchange into something positive for you.

I wish you the best.

PS: I'm well aware of the very very hard time Greece people are going true. It's great that you can still live you programming passion and share to the world what you develop.