DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you agree with intrusive time tracking software?

c_v_ya profile image

That's not only about tracking time. It's about tracking activity which, for me, just not acceptable. There was a discussion about tracking tools with lots of great thoughts.

And if I were you I'd do two things. First - just forget about that tracking tool. Do the work, commit code, close tasks. If it says you're only 30% productive - let that be it. If a manger comes and says you should work better - talk to them. "Didn't I finish my tasks on time? Did I let the project down? Is everything working as expected?". If the answer is along the lines of "you did great, but we need that percentages" - well, they know nothing about management. And that's when I'd do the second thing - update CV, contact HRs, and change the job in the end.

Also you need to shift your mindset from "I can't find a job {for some reasons}" to "I can do that". E.g. I didn't think I could make 2x what I was making on my previous job (both programming, same role). But when I started to think of it as "Why not, I can at least ask for more" - it happened. And it was so easy I even think I should've ask 3x more 😅

So, do the thing you do and if that doesn't work out change the mindset and go for the better workplace. Good luck!