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Discussion on: What tools do you use for writing?

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Carly Ho 🌈

I honestly just tend to write them in the apple Notes app, organized into a folder, and then paste it into the editorβ€”I know Markdown well enough to not really need a previewer.

As far as other writing tools, though, I have a bunch I'm happy to recommendβ€”Marked 2 is my favorite Markdown previewer, and Mou is my favorite full Markdown editor. I also sometimes give my work a cursory run through Hemingway to make sure I'm not overusing adverbs or have any other obvious readability problems.

For a more robust writing environment, I really like Scrivener, which I use for my longer freelance writing projects (I like adding checkmarks to the names of documents in the sidebar when the section is complete), but honestly I think the best writing app or environment is the one that reduces the friction the most between you and getting a thing written.