I am using LaTeX for almost all of my documents since my third semester, but I just recently (1-2 months ago) stumbled upon two packages I definitely would not like to miss anymore (besides the usual ones for writing math texts, of course): cleveref and xparse.
Auto-updating your references
When writing up mathematical statements I am sometimes unsure if it should be a theorem, proposition, lemma or claim. A proposition would certainly be renamed to a claim if I do not plan to prove it; or a lemma if it turns out later that I do need it part way to prove a theorem. It is a painful and laborious task to go through the document and change all uses of proposition
, Proposition \ref
or Prop.~\ref
to the respective claim
or Claim \ref
. Package cleveref solves this problem elegantly:
Thm.~\ref{s:A} is based on Lem.~\ref{s:B} and Prop.~\ref{s:C},
and specializes Eqn.~(\ref{eqn:D}).
% Part of the preamble
% New code
\Cref{s:A} is based on \cref{s:B,s:C}, and specializes \cref{eqn:D}.
which produces
Thm. 1.4 is based on Lem. 1.1 and Prop. 1.2, and specializes Eqn. (1).
Customizing newcommand
Writing up the math you have discovered is certainly important—but I think, just like in programming, you want to spend your time thinking and solving problems, and on explaining them well to your readers, but certainly not typing. Take sets for example: Instead of
\big\{ x \in \mathbb{R} \middle| \int^x_{-1} f(x) dx < 1 \big\}
we could introduce a new command for sets thus saving us a few keystrokes and giving us a highly customizable command through
% Shortcut for proper scalings of braces
\newcommand{\sd}[2] {
% Shorthand for sets
\sd{#1}{\left}\{ #2 \middle| #3 \sd{#1}{\right}\}
% Usage
\st[1]{x \in \IR}{\int^x_{-1} f(x) dx < 1}
Using xparse we can even add (optional) parameters at almost any position. This is very handy for things when you have many annotations to add to a mathematical expression, but want to have the freedom to change your notation later on without having to go through all of your document and alter each call one by one:
% Closed balls with optional annotation
\NewDocumentCommand{\clb}{D(){auto} D[]{\empty} m m}{%
\overline{\mathrm{ball}}_{#2} \sd{#1}{\left}( #3, #4 \sd{#1}{\right})
% Usage
... and $x \in \clb[\infty]{0}{2^{-n}}$.
producing the output \overline{\mathrm{ball}}_\infty\big( 0, 2^{-n} \big)
—which is the same as if we had wrote
... and $x \in \clb(1)[\infty]{0}{2^{-n}}$.
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