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Discussion on: The broken promise of static typing

cartermp profile image
Phillip Carter

What if Haskell, Scala, and F# developers are super proactive about reporting bugs? What about other labels? In the F# compiler and IDE tools repository, "regression" is also used. What about repositories which could naturally have a high bug count, but can't be measured the way you chose? Clojure, Ruby, and Scala compiler repos don't have issues on GitHub, for example. F# and Golang do. There are so many other questions surrounding methodology that I have.

I don't think that you can begin to draw any conclusions from this.

danlebrero profile image
Dan Lebrero

By the way, F# is the only thing that has made me ever consider looking at the Microsoft stack.

Thanks a lot!

cartermp profile image
Phillip Carter

It's a good one!

danlebrero profile image
Dan Lebrero

Are you suggesting that Java and C++ devs are super duper proactive? :)

The approach is naive, but I was really expecting that there was going to be some significant difference between "properly" types languages and the rest.

The best explanation that I have found so far is from Bartosz Milewski. Except from his book Category Theory for Programmers

"Strong static typing is often used as an excuse for not testing the code [...] The result of this cavalier attitude is that in several studies Haskell didn’t come as strongly ahead of the pack in code quality as one would expect."

So maybe strong static typing plus proper testing is the answer to less bugs.

What do you think?

cartermp profile image
Phillip Carter

I'm not suggesting that some groups are more proactive than others - just offering a question that one could draw from that data. Put differently, what if Clojure developers were less annoyed by bugs than C++ developers? I see that conclusion as just as valid as those you've drawn.

I agree that static typing is not an excuse for tests (even though many folks in the FP community wold say otherwise...). Types can certainly eliminate a class of problems if used well, but they're certainly not a silver bullet. Tests guard against change. For any decently-sized project, you need tests to protect your code against yourself :).

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danlebrero profile image
Dan Lebrero

"you need tests to protect your code against yourself" -> that made me laugh!