DEV Community

Discussion on: Health issues you face being a Developer 🏥

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Cécile Lebleu

I recently installed the app Pomy (on Mac) and it quickly became a new favorite. Basically, every 20 minutes it covers your screen for 20 seconds and recommends that you look away at 6m or 20ft. I get up and do a different type of stretching every time, depending on what I feel like doing. Sometimes jumping jacks, sometimes back stretch, etc. I also try to look out the window for part of those 20 seconds. It’s really not a long time so I always do it.
It also counts how many 20 minute work laps I’ve done, I’m using it to track productivity by writing down how many 20 minute laps I worked every day on my bullet journal.

For exercise, I’m rowing every day using a machine. It doesn’t matter how much, as long as it’s at least as much as yesterday.

And of course, constantly drink water and generally eat healthy and not in excess.