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Discussion on: Anyone else intolerant of html inside javascript? yes i mean React

ceyhunkerti profile image
Ceyhun Kerti

no not technically, it just feels weird visually.

silentsudo profile image
Ashish Agre

I also feel weird this blend, hence never tried react at first place angular and vue js seems to be doing good for me.

dorshinar profile image
Dor Shinar

"feels weird" doesn't sound like a solid argument to me. I really like react so I'm a little biased here.

The separation in react is simply different - you don't separate logic and structure by using different languages, but by using different components.

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ceyhunkerti profile image
Ceyhun Kerti

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing against react here. It's perfect. But combining html and js in the same code is visually not attractive for me.

I'd like the code to be clear visually and when using/reading react i feel like;

Ok, here is my speech, some words in Spanish and some in French but overall meaning is so deep and touchy :)

As i said it's very personal, the framework itself is very powerful.

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dorshinar profile image
Dor Shinar

It takes time to get used to. I've never tried Vue (although I definitely should, with all the hype), but honestly it makes the DOM so much more powerful (that's what I feel anyway) and easy to work with.

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marcellothearcane profile image

'Feels weird' is a valid excuse if you're going to work on a large code base that isn't all your code. The cognitive load will cause frustration that gets in the way of working.

I suppose that's why there are so many different frameworks - everyone has a different concept of what is most natural to them.

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ciel profile image
Ciel • Edited

"Feels weird" is how an inexperienced developer describes coming across code smells that they're beginning to become skilled enough to identify but can't fully explain.

I think it's an extremely valid argument and I encourage you to explore that feeling thoroughly.

You may discover that you're wrong but you'll come out a better developer than one who just accepts what they are told. A big difference in a good developer and an "ok" one is knowing when to ignore the "rules" and really look at something objectively.

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dorshinar profile image
Dor Shinar • Edited

To me, "feels weird" in this context is more related to someone not being familiar with the tools than anything else. For someone new to Python, "ask for forgiveness not permission" might "feel weird".

Unless you can better express what you mean, "feels weird" is void.

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wilomgfx profile image
William Cantin • Edited

Not sure how clearer JSX can be?

It's declarative and in your face. You understand how it will render by just looking at what JSX is returned.

Sure it looked weird at first, but once you work with it a bit you understand it's power and why JSX is JSX