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Resume Blog

My skills a programmer vary, although my main focus is to become a video game developer, I know languages such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Swift, and C#. I am more specialist in C# as I have more years and experience with it. One of the critical skills that every programmer should have, in my opinion, is being able to critically think on the spot, to be able to handle the problems that every programmer faces when creating any kind of software.

Best Projects
One of my best projects has to be creating my own website but also being able to create my own small video game, although I am creating on the go to learn more and more in what C# can do and its limits, I am creating an app that I am hoping will become my greatest project and hoping it can do great into the world we live in.

Leadership Activities
The usual activities that I apply into is joining in a social group, volunteering in different projects whether they pay or not(it is about gaining experience rather than gaining money at the moment), and work as a team as much as possible we all know each other's strengths and weaknesses and be able to have that respect from one another with the work that we do.

Dream Job
One of my dream jobs is to one day work in any game company as a programmer to gain the experience for me to be able to create my own company and able to manage and run it the way, I presume, should be run, as of lately a lot of game companies want to abuse a game developers passion in making games by paying them less that what they are actually worth, passion isn't supposed to be taken advantage of because it shows how much hardworking they are willing to do and the better an employee is treated I believe the employees will have that passion ignite more than its potential.

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