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Discussion on: ⚡️20 Easy Ways to Be More Productive as a Developer⚡️

chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

Oh, and almost forgot. I did provide an answer to my own questions, hence "what [I] do" -- and what I'm recommending to readers:

How about we all slow way down and ask ourselves, what the hell are we doing, why the hell are we doing it, and is there anything else at all we could be doing with our time that might produce a better outcome for all life on Earth?

Did you maybe stop reading after the first question?

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code_jedi profile image

I meant what do you ACTUALLY actively do to prevent climate change. Give some specific examples of what you do to "produce a better outcome for all life on Earth"

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chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

Sorry, but no. This is still an attempt on your part to redirect the discussion away from my questions. Let's assume that I use a lot of plastic. I eat nothing but GMO beef. I drive a tank.

OK, nice, right? But what does it have to do with my question? 20 Easy Ways to Be More Productive Doing What, Exactly? But then, as you say in another response, you frankly don't care what. Whatever the reader wants to do more productively. I guess if what they want to do is implement a "Final Solution", then you'd be happy to help them to do it more efficiently. Too late. IBM got there first.

Maybe they want to help build a better surveillance state. That's good, too, right?

I guess it's asking too much to expect an "author" to think about what they've written when really all they did was fifteen minutes of Googling, then slapped together other people's work (without giving any credit, of course), and finally dumped it in any old order into a listicle -- because that's the best way to get numerous clicks from a benighted audience and it's really all about getting those views, right?

I will save future readers the trouble: the best way to be more productive is to stop wasting time on lists of ways to be more productive and get back to work. Hopefully, doing something worth doing.

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code_jedi profile image

Let me end this pointless conversation: "But what does it have to do with my question? 20 Easy Ways to Be More Productive Doing What, Exactly? But then, as you say in another response, you frankly don't care what." Developing, but It's really up to them.

"I guess it's asking too much to expect an "author" to think about what they've written when really all they did was fifteen minutes of Googling, then slapped together other people's work (without giving any credit, of course), and finally dumped it in any old order into a listicle -- because that's the best way to get numerous clicks from a benighted audience and it's really all about getting those views, right?"

  1. I don't really care about reads. If I wanted to be internet famous i'd go to any other platform other than
  2. Why are you making such a big deal out of an article? Like you're literally associating this with the end of the world
  3. "without giving any credit, of course" Check the end of the article smart-ass.

Any more useless comments?

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chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

My bad. You did give some credit at the bottom after everyone stopped reading.

You've clearly decided that I'm the asshole. But my initial response simply asked questions that we should all be asking. You could have ignored it, or responded in any of many ways, including taking the question seriously and discussing how that might be worth discussion.

Instead, you got all butt hurt, and made it all about you. Then lashed out at me.

As for the end of the world, if you look at it closely you will see that it is made up of billions of tiny moments in which we could have made a difference, but we decided that the moments were so small that they didn't count. We defined the problem not as the end result of so many smaller, easier-to-solve problems but as an enormous monolith, much too difficult to solve, hence somebody else's problem. How convenient for us!

And so we did nothing and went extinct.

Maybe somebody ought to start somewhere and say something. Maybe every time we open our mouths or put fingers to a keyboard, the first thing we should talk about is the elephant in the room. Climate destruction and nuclear war are not "issues" we can try to do something about in our "spare time". They are existential.

The house is on fire, the children are about to burn to death, and you want to talk about what color to paint the kitchen cabinets. But I'm the jerk for mentioning that maybe we should think about putting the fire out.

Good luck with that.

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code_jedi profile image

I don't think you're the asshole. I understand that "Climate destruction and nuclear war are not 'issues' we can try to do something about in our 'spare time'. They are existential. "
I know that we should constantly be reminded of that. I'm sorry I didn't think of doing so for the article.

While we should do everything we can to stop it, do you really think millions of people are going to be able to quit their job and fight climate change because it's existential? There's only so much the average person can do to fight climate change. I mean, maybe you'd be able to if you're wealthy but the vast majority of people on earth can't just occupy themselves full-time on the problem of climate change. They can in their free time.

Until we change the fundamental infrastructure and economy of the world to a sustainable one, these personal efforts won't save the world. I know this sounds like an excuse for not making a personal effort; I know personal efforts do make a difference.

If you want to spread awareness about climate change, go ahead, but don't expect people to throw everything out the window and start relentlessly fighting climate change. They'll do what they can manage.

They're a wealthy oil tycoon with great influence and free time? Great they can make a big change.
They're a cashier working at Walmart with little money and free time? They'll do what they can.

I'm sorry that I said your comments are useless, but I really didn't understand what you expected from people:
"I will save future readers the trouble: the best way to be more productive is to stop wasting time on lists of ways to be more productive and get back to work. Hopefully, doing something worth doing." Maybe they'll find something useful in that list that will allow them to do more useful things in a given amount of time. Don't just get back to work and keep banging your head agains the wall, see if there's a more efficient and easier way to work and use your time.

"Finally, if 'most of us are trying to do what we can to stop climate change' is true, I must ask just to whom 'most of us' refers. To you and your cat? I only ask because if the who is 'humanity' or even 'most English-speaking people', then we are well and truly screwed, because 'trying to do what we can to stop climate change' seems to be doing nothing at all except make it worse." Ok probably not most of us, and probably most of the people who are doing something aren't doing everything they can.

"But that you took an argument about topics worthy of discussion to be an attack on you personally for your lack of caring about the demise of all life on Earth does smack a bit of barely-repressed guilt." It's not personal, I just hate when people assume that others don't care and that they're the hero and everyone around them is a guilty and ignorant piece of shit. The world doesn't work like that.

"Speaking of which, I must have missed the part of your article where you mentioned how we're going to solve the climate catastrophe, pollution, and pending nuclear war. It didn't seem to be in any of your twenty 'easy ways' to be more productive. Neither did you appear to mention what it is that we should be productive at. I guess more productive at destroying the planet or saving it are both acceptable answers." I'm not in a position to say exactly how we're going to solve climate change, no one knows exactly. Let alone nuclear war. I mean nuclear war? Do you seriously expect me to just give some step by step instructions on how to prevent nuclear war? In the case of nuclear war, there's nothing remotely significant I can say. We can talk about it all we want, but at the end of the day, Putin or Kim Jong Un or some other powerful figure can press a button and we will have nuclear war whether we like it or not.

"As for the end of the world, if you look at it closely you will see that it is made up of billions of tiny moments in which we could have made a difference, but we decided that the moments were so small that they didn't count. We defined the problem not as the end result of so many smaller, easier-to-solve problems but as an enormous monolith, much too difficult to solve, hence somebody else's problem. How convenient for us!" We have to do what we can, but ask yourself this, will these billions of tiny moments solve the problem? Ok, they can contribute to solving the problem, but until we fundamentally transform the entire(or most of at least)economy and infrastructures of our everyday lives, little will change. I wish it was as easy as just a billion little moments, but at the end of the day, there are enormous monoliths of problems that need solving

I do think people like you talking about climate change and nuclear war have good intention, but you are claiming that people like me who just wanted to publish a blog post don't care about the "children that are about to burn to death".

In conclusion, I get your message, but I strongly disagree with your perception of climate change, nuclear war, people and work.