DEV Community

Discussion on: Sexism, Racism, Toxic Positivity, and TailwindCSS

cher profile image

I realize that you had many time consuming discussions going on, and I thank you for your time.

Thank you.

See, and here we disagree. I don't know Adam, what happened to him, what kind of person he is, nothing. The only relevant question is hidden in your next sentence:

Let me clarify further.

It is a fact that he has not experienced an inherit disadvantage, bias, oppression, or prejudice based on his race, nationality, or gender.

confirmation bias

This is not that. I couldn't possibly, again, deconstruct years of experience and education on this topic here, but I implore you to go outside of this space and explore this topic with other teachers. This is a wonderful piece, albeit old:

you remove personal accountability from the person in order to blame a greater system while you expect society to blame (or produce a back-lash for) him

I'm not intentionally doing either of these things. I just don't think it's justifiable of me to discuss who a person is when I don't know them, and the only thing I want to happen is for this to change, and while that does involve accountability from him, I don't expect it or want it from a back-lash, but rather from folks he trusts and respect (some of whom who reached out to me privately for further understanding).

I want everyone to be introspective of our expectations of others, and especially when we are in a position of power. And what folks don't often realize is how that position of power can simply be because of your nationality, gender, or race. What kinds of things am I unduly expecting of this person, and how often do these expectations seem to be similar to this group of people, versus my in-group? How will my behavior impact me, sure, but how will my behavior impact this person, and again, is there a pattern I can connect to my inherit biases toward my in-group?

We have such fleeting time here, squandering the ability to be introspective and leave society better than we found it, is in, my mind, repugnant.

"I want to call him out but can't because I am a woman"?

Unfortunately it's not that simple. I wish it were. I spent decades not recognizing why there were certain expectations of me, why I was talked over, why I was called aggressive while colleagues doing the same things were called assertive, why someone repeating the same idea I had made the idea great when it wasn't when I said it, and my favorite, why people explained to me the most obvious shit completely unsolicited.

It dawned on me, that I was often the only woman in all of these situations.

When you spend your life being assumed that you're not as capable as your peers, and all of your peers are men, and you start talking about it with other women, and they've had the same experience, and suddenly that starts expanding and opening your eyes to how the media and marketing and the wealthy have set you up to be treated this way, it's never just, "Oh, they think I'm stupid because I'm a woman". It's rather, they are being fed the same behavior programming garbage I have been, and they don't even realize what they are doing.

t's just that you force me to play devil's advocate as the way YOU (not the mentioned we, whoever that is) use these terms is derogatory and a bit condescending.

That is certainly not my intention, though I understand why you have the sense that it is. These are difficult topics and I don't believe our language is evolved enough to speak about them without it feeling like the onus is those who benefit from privilege to take responsibility for something they've been brought into involuntarily.

Labels have never helped society.

That's just simply not true. My labels have helped me find people like me, while in most of the spaces I've existed in in my life I've been ostracized and in the minority. It's human to group like things, and when you're the "not like the others" in a very homogenous groups, finding your person or people means everything.

Labeling by people in power on the oppressed has obviously never helped society. Race itself is a child of racism as a pathway to normalize enslaving other human beings. And obviously you allude to Nazi Germany with mentioning labeling Jewish people.

The only solution for this double-edged sword of groups is that all groups have equity, and we recognize when we're treating some folks with inequity that they frequently face by folks like us.

akusem profile image

@sroehrl Just a message to thank you for having taken your time to respond to her that elegantly and politely. I (and many I think) couldn't have done it that way, Bravo !

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