DEV Community

Discussion on: What *new* technologies do you most want to learn?

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Christian Kozalla • Edited

I want to try out frameworks that take a different approach in delivering content - I mean, if you use the popular meta frameworks for building web*sites* (with only little interactivity compared to apps), they all nicely SSR your HTML, but hydrate once again on the client, which is pure overhead, if your site doesn't need full blown SPA interactivity. The hydration step requires much data to be serialized into json. So duplicated content will be sent over HTML and JS. Plus, we need to take into account that it both takes time to download JS and parse JS and execute JS, which is blocking the main thread..

For building websites I want to check out Qwik, which is super new, and Marko.js, which is not new at all :)

Plus, I wanna check out Go!