DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v78

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Ekansh Kothiyal

Hi Everyone!
My name is Ekansh - I am a web designer and working as a Senior UI Developer.

Serious Part:
I started my career as a Manual QA Engineer (almost 2 years) and before that, I was working as a web designer in college with a friend. Within a year I realized that I really liked web development and so learned enough to make an internal switch to dev within the organization. Now its been 2 years working as UI Dev and very recently I realized that I have a lot of knowledge gaps in my learning and my aim now is to be a great developer and work on those gaps along the way. I work in HTML/CSS/JS/ReactJS and beginner level PHP/Wordpress and now I am aiming to be a full-stack dev. \m/>.<\m/

Fun Part:
When I am not coding, I usually try something or the other that triggers my anxiety - one year I ramped walk with no prior experience and a big public speaking fear (well it was a corporate fashion show but a fashion show nonetheless); the other time I wrote and directed a musical play. I love reading philosophy and dystopian fiction and my guilty pleasure is watching romantic comedies.

Hope I get to learn a lot from/with you guys and also give back to this community as much as I can and we have fun along the way :)
