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Poll: What is your UI Framework of choice?

What is your framework of choice?
React, Vue, Angular, W3C WebComponents or Other?

UPDATE: Results as of 10/2/2019 (and counting)

Angular React Vue Aurelia W3C Web Components
3 5 3 3 1

Top comments (19)

okbrown profile image
Orlando Brown

I think Matt Fetterman, has made a interesting point, that I would like to extend on.

His small company has found react most useful to get their work done in a few hours. Keeping in mind not to cause too much tech debt.

So shouldn't the question be, what type of projects, problems, products etc have had better success with their respective UI frameworks?

I would find this knowledge much more useful when deciding my weapons of choice for building different types of applications.

Note: sorry if I'm crashing the party, but I think the framework poll questions has been done to death, we have a yearly poll that gets this data down very well.

zahinize profile image
Zahin Alwa

I totally agree with your point, Orlando.

Rather than simply asking a poll question regarding your choice of framework, it would be useful and relevant to ask what frontend libraries/frameworks have been used on what kind of projects (project domain and scale)? What were the challenges and how developers used these tools to fix them?

This kind of knowledge sharing would be much more valuable :)

Note: I have nothing against the original post or its author, just putting my two cents in.

admwx7 profile image
Austin Murdock

I completely agree, I'm personally a fan of web components and have been deeply involved since the early days of polymer. However the problem dictates the framework/library I work with at that time.

navx2810 profile image
Matt Fetterman

Honestly. It's react. We move very fast in our small marketing company. One dev has to turn around a custom features, widgets, or maintenance apps in a few hours. React is the only library that gives me full control.

We've tried all the other ones, but we end up fighting the library at some point. We always need to do something dirty and we might get caught outside of angulars zones, or bury ourselves to deep into Vue.

React gives me enough rope to balance on to get these tasks done on time, but that rope length is also enough to hang myself if I'm not careful.

seanmclem profile image

tried them all. I favor react.

Context switching is easy for me though - so i use all of them.

luka_cetina profile image
Luka Cetina


saint4eva profile image

Blazor or Aurelia.

adamacosta16 profile image

react is not a fr.....

codelitically_incorrect profile image

Thank you

ngrnv profile image


codelitically_incorrect profile image

W3C Web Components

praveengandhi profile image
Praveen Gandhi


fgyimah profile image
Francis Gyimah

React πŸ’–πŸ’–

cwspear profile image
Cameron Spear

For me, both personally and on "other" projects, it's been Angular. I don't have much experience much experience with Vue, but on very large projects (dozens or more developers), Angular really beat out React in my eyes.

I do recognize Angular has a higher learning curve, but I believe it to be a truly powerful and flexible framework, and superior to React in the long run.