DEV Community

Discussion on: Things only bad developers do

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Jason C. McDonald

Suppose, you come up with a solution that does that job in 2 or 3 lines, but it's over-optimized and not very easily readable.

Don't confuse brevity with optimization. Optimized code is all about the number of machine instructions, not how many lines of code it is. There are two-line solutions which are less optimized by an order of magnitude than a 10-line solution.

Pushing commented code in production

Do you mean commented out code? Good, maintainable code is commented, meaning it has comments to help explain intent. Commented out code is code that was turned into a comment to stop it from working.

Always push the former to production; never push the latter at all. (That's what VCS is for.)

P.S. There are rare exceptions, but if you're wondering whether your situation is one of them, it isn't.

As a developer, always consider, manage all the bad scenarios. Make sure your code is ready to face the worst of conditions.

More important than managing the bad scenarios, explicitly test for them.