DEV Community

Discussion on: All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

That's actually the funny thing I discovered about the word "fad" in terms of definition - it doesn't necessarily imply the thing in question is short-lived.

fad (n) a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal [Merriam-Webster]

Outside of programming, look at the Beanie Babies fad. They may have considerably faded in terms of hype, but TY still makes a TON of money from selling them.

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mikeeus profile image
Mikias Abera

Lol beanie babies were my jam one school year.

Honestly though, I don't think AI and blockchain will fade, or even slow down in the long term. AI will eventually be building software and taking our jobs, while steering our cars, babysitting our kids and even giving us life advice as personal assistants. :/

And Blockchain is the backbone of IOT, not to mention finance and eventually governance. It's only a matter of time until the tech catches up to the promise. But until then we'll have to deal with misinformed CTO's making bad decisions, and ICOs making bank off people's false hopes.

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jenc profile image
Jen Chan

Beanie babies are still my jam :)