DEV Community

Discussion on: Parents in tech, how do you balance your time between coding and playing with your kids?

codestuff2 profile image
Adam Whitlock

Sam, I feel you on this, and I know we both lead busy lives. I do alos have this problem juggling my two kids along with side projects, new learning, and my personal hobbies.

I'd tend to lean more toward the late night coding session as I can manage to do that more than the early mornings, since I usually wake up at 5am to get ready for work, I just can't really get up much earlier and get anything done.

Most times that I have attempted to get up extra early, I end up hitting the alarm and not having the motivation while half asleep to follow through on getting up. If I stay up after the kids are in bed, I'm at least somewhat alert, and can accomplish some stuff before it gets too late.

I find that both attempts really do create burn out though, and so now I mostly code and learn new things during lunch breaks, and on the weekends.

Typically I will try and get up at a decent time on Saturday and Sunday to get "me" time where I can code kid free, then once the kids get up I'll dedicate the early afternoon to playing with them and doing some laundry/cleaning around the house. Then at night I'll dive back in for a bit around when the kids are getting in bed.

Hope you had a great Dad's day!

theringleman profile image
Sam Ringleman

Adam, I wish that I could send you more hearts. Thank you so much for answering my question in such detail. And thank you so much for making me feel as though I am not the only one.

I am in the exact same situation friend. I would rather spend their hours awake with them, rather than in the basement on the computer. So I too, pull a lot of late nights.

I feel you on the early hours. I wake up at five as well to commute to work so I can be home at a decent hour to play with them and spend time with them. Because unlike your situation, I am blessed with a flexible schedule.

I get the feeling of burnout. I just feel like for me that I have to push through that.

Man we are living the same life. I am always the first one up in this house. Your comment made me smile, and feel at peace. Thank you so much for sharing. I can't express how much this means to me.

And I did have a great Dad's day, I hope that yours was better!