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Discussion on: Remote Jobs: How-to, and the Downsides

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Corey Condardo • Edited

What are the downsides?

Humans are designed to be together, there is no replacing in person time. With that said, video chats and slack can do a great job feeling like community exists.

Local networks will not be strong. Your network will likely be National, not local. This means losing a job means another local job won’t be as easy to come by.

It’s harder to get close hands on help remotely - but if you’re aggressive and work hard to get help you can succeed. It’s just not great for folks who lack autonomy skills.

Communication skills have to be expert - you can’t be a mediocre communicator and work remotely.

Travel should be required at least a few times a year to build in person relationships.

Working at home can be a drag. Separating work from home life can be nice!

Also, if I do end up looking for a remote job, what should I be looking for?

A company who has a remote culture. Being on a remote island when others are in an office is hard. Being completely distributed encourages a remote culture to be formed and everyone is on the same page.

Any guidance on landing a remote job would be super helpful.

I think you probably need to be slightly over qualified. It’s hard to assess potential hires remotely so I find the more qualified the more likely you are to succeed.

You didn’t ask but the upsides are huge.

Get a job outside of your local economy, be paid better than locals
Work for companies that don’t exist locally (ie if your local city or town has no startup scene)
Skip commuting and get hours per day of your life back
Flexible schedule usually is a given - it’s too hard to keep track of local employees so trust is critical and usually expected. This means some benefits of flexibility are usually given.
Your own office however you want it to be! A fully stocked kitchen, and perhaps outdoor working space - whatever your house can accommodate!

Source: 3.5 years at fully distributed company