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Discussion on: Bad Product Ideas

cotcotcoder profile image

I'm happy to see projects like Peertube.

First I'm dev, and Peertube show usage for ActivityPub and webtorrent. It's a great idea to use torrent for streaming, it's solve the hosting bandwitch problem.

Next, Peertube is a software, not a platform. The creator wants people install their own instance and not that they use his: Youtube will not be replaced by one peertube but thousands of instances.

It's federated, so you can join an instance with strict rules, like no-nudity. I love mastodon for this. In this point I find my Mastodon instance is more secure than Twitter.

It's federated so you can join instance only linked to trusted instances, (or block all people of one specific instance) to avoid harassement or something you don't want to see. Instances can be fully private, for family or enterprise usages.

Let's talk about Framasoft (community behind this project). Framasoft's goal is to promote self-hosting alternatives to private platform, software like Wordpress, GitLab ... this DIY movement helps public to understand another tools are available.

We have problems with harassement, drugs, terrorism, hate and we have theses problems on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube because when we report abuse, content is not instantly deleted. user is not instantly blocked so theses content spread arround the web. Federation limit this spread.

Content rules will be applied by instance owner, he have to check if users make good content.

I think theses tools will implement new features to protects users, like content-warning in Mastodon. Of courses, illegal instances will appear but they could be more easily blocked than Twitter accounts. (Maybe it'll be used by police as honeypot).

Because this software is open-source you can adapt your instance, add somes rules, for example if a "trusted" user report abuse on a "unknown" user's content, this content is immediatly deleted and the user suspended. I don't think we could see this reactivity in big platforms like Twitter.

Web is to promote content, bad people are everywhere, I don't blame the tools.

bbookman profile image

I appreciate your perspective. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Perhaps Peertube will succeed. Or turn into something else.

My bigger point is that there are tons of startups coming online daily that seem to have a "different take on social" - when it isn't the tech that is the issue - it is the humans behind the tech.

Thanks for adding your prespective

bbookman profile image

P.S. When is the server list for all nudity all the time and all 4chan all the time coming?

"It's federated, so you can join an instance with strict rules, like no-nudity. "

cotcotcoder profile image

there are tons of startups coming online daily that seem to have a "different take on social"

Yes, I know nothing about Yuser but the federation/instances of peertube is, in my opinion, a great way to see improvement into social media because you can implement any idea on your own instance and submit idea to Peertube team.

I didn't understand your P.S. 😶