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Craig Donavin
Craig Donavin

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Ruby String Chopper methods, pt II

This post builds off of what I posted HERE. So, our short recap: I’m writing methods that chop up a string in different ways to use as search queries for my database at work.

I was running into an issue when I was trying to write something that would make overlapping queries. Basically, in my while loops, I was trying to subtract from the starting index the amount I would want the strings to overlap each other. But! given that my loop was only advancing a single letter at a time, it already shows any kind of overlap each substring would have with each other.

So that means that I haven’t actually made a real chopper. So let’s do that. Now our basic #chopper looks like this:

def chopper(str, len, vowels=false)
 vowels ? str = remove_vowels(str) : str
 ret_arr = []
 while i<str.length do
   ret_arr.push(str.slice(i, len)) unless str.slice(i, len).length < len
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It takes a string, the length of substrings desired, and whether or not you want vowels in it as your arguments. If you said true to the latter, it removes them. Then, it iterates the string, pushing substrings of the length desired into an array, which it returns. The unless condition prevents the smaller strings resulting from nearing the end of the word from being pushed into the return array.

But what if what I want is chunks of substring without overlap? How would I do things differently?

The answer lies in our incrementation! And our incrementation lies in our segmentation!

Instead of increasing our value of i, our counter, by 1, let’s increase it by the length of our desired substring. Similar to before, we’ll start with minimal arguments and build it up as we go:

def slicer(str, 3)
 ret_arr = [] 
   while i<str.length do
     ret_arr.push(str.slice(i,3)) unless str.slice(i, 3).length < 3
     i += 3
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We’ll use hersheys as our input. Let’s take a look at what it gives us:

puts slicer(input).to_s

>["her", "she"]
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Fewer substrings, but that’s basically what I was expecting. If I took the unless filter off, I’d get a third element of ys.

Now let’s add some arguments:

def slicer(str, len)
 ret_arr = [] 
   while i<str.length do
     ret_arr.push(str.slice(i,len)) unless str.slice(i, len).length < len
     i += len
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Which gives us:

puts slicer(input, 3).to_s
puts slicer(input, 4).to_s
puts slicer(input, 5).to_s

["her", "she"]
["hers", "heys"]
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Again, fewer strings, but that’s the idea. We’re looking at the limitations of different types of substrings. Finally, let’s add the vowel filter in.

def slicer(str, len, vowels=false)
 vowels ? str = remove_vowels(str) : str
 ret_arr = [] 
   while i<str.length do
     ret_arr.push(str.slice(i,len)) unless str.slice(i, len).length < len
     i += len
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Gives us:

puts slicer(input, 3).to_s
puts slicer(input, 4).to_s
puts slicer(input, 5).to_s
puts slicer(input, 3, true).to_s
puts slicer(input, 4, true).to_s
puts slicer(input, 5, true).to_s

["her", "she"]
["hers", "heys"]
["hrs", "hys"]
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Again, not a lot of strings vs the #chopper methods, but maybe if I were to use a longer string:

input = ‘ghirardelli`

["ghi", "rar", "del", "lis"]
["ghir", "arde", "llis"]
["ghira", "rdell"]
["ghr", "rdl"]
["ghrr", "dlls"]
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And I start getting some interesting substrings. This could also include spaces, apostrophes, and others.

What else should I make? And I’ll need some way to keep these organized. Maybe I should make these into some sort of class to build these methods into some kind of library? Let’s give it a shot next time!

I’ll be following up with the JavaScript version of this shortly, and then whatever developments I bring into this little bunch next. Thanks for reading!

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