DEV Community

Discussion on: Installing neovim nightly alongside stable

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Arnold Chand


This is nice! But a bit overly complicated, and I guess that's one of the limitations of keeping separately namespaced nvim configs that would lead to doing the hacky way you provided. Don't get me wrong that's a nice implementation 🙂

Although here is something you can try with paq-nvim if you have the time. I've checked through paq-nvim docs and, while a bit obscure, there is a way to change where to install the plugins, and that is thru the setup() function.

Make sure you git clone paq-nvim to the correct directory that was set in your packpaths, following your folder convention:

git clone --depth=1 \
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Before you provide your plugins within paq, you need to call the setup function and provide the path there, following your folder convention:

local paq = require 'paq-nvim'

paq.setup {
  path = vim.env.HOME .. '/.local/share/nvim-lua/site/pack/paqs/'

paq {

  -- your plugins below
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I have not tried this myself so do let me know if this helps out or not with keeping your configs separate with different directories.