DEV Community

Discussion on: #055 Kubernetes - Secretes

csgeek profile image

The main issue i have with secrets right now, is that in order to save my k8 deployment I'd have to check the secrets into version control with the rest of my yaml files that describe my cluster. Even if they're base64 encoded, that's not really encrypted, obfuscated at best and you can always decode it with base64 -d

Thanks for the tutorial otherwise. :)

omarkhatib profile image

you can git ignore it and push a template for it only.

csgeek profile image

Sure, but the secrets database has to live somewhere besides your local laptop. Especially if you're doing hundreds of services with a variety of API keys and password for various dev/qa/production environments.

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omarkhatib profile image

I don't know how if kuberenetes have a way to do it.
Do you have a solution for it using kubernetes?