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Discussion on: CSS-in-JS - styled vs css prop

cullophid profile image
Andreas Møller

I think this is largely a leftover from the old days of web development. With react and other component based frameworks there isn't really any benefit to separating logic and styles

merri profile image
Vesa Piittinen • Edited

React is at it's best with very interactive and dynamic interfaces, yet many use it to render mostly static sites where most of React's way to work as a single tree becomes a burden due to performance issues, and growing bundle sizes. Code splitting to multiple bundles is more of a workaround and a sign of an issue than a solution. User still needs to get all the data. JS execution is also expensive as a simple React app takes longer to complete first render than it takes to render a multimegabyte HTML without JS.

If you consider using more than one library/framework in a project and instead of building a monolith bundle you use a tool best fit for a specific task at hand then CSS-in-JS can be quite inflexible as sharing styles between multiple frameworks becomes an issue. You want to avoid unnecessary duplication.

If there are multiple projects that share a common style it makes much more sense to provide it in CSS than force a single CSS-in-JS solution on everyone, because JS libraries and tools come and go, but CSS stays. Devs love to have a go with new tools every now and then.

Then there is the fact for some parts of a site using vanilla JS can work very well. Not everyone likes this idea as there seem to be people who think everything has to go through a single solution and follow the one chosen thing. Even when it is ill-fitted to whatever is the task to be done.

So there is value in separation when aiming for a well performing site. The less runtime logic you have running the better.

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a_sandrina_p profile image
Sandrina Pereira

I'm afraid you misunderstood my question. I didn't ask if we should use "vanilla css" vs "css-in-js". I was talking only about CSS-in-JS approach, but within two techniques: Using a "css prop" or "styled module".

Regardless of that, thank you for your perspective. I pretty much agree with and you are saying :)

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cullophid profile image
Andreas Møller

I don't agree with that at all, react is excellent for static sites as well. Especially when using a framework like Gatsby or nextJS.
Frameworks has gotten a bad rep when it comes to performance, mostly because of performance and bloated bundles, but neither is because if the framework.