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Caleb Viola
Caleb Viola

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Dynamically Convert Plain Objects Into TypeScript Classes

Dealing with plain objects (or the result of JSON.parse) is a fundamental part of web development. In order to make the development experience bearable, we often shape plain objects into something predictable, including transforming their values into something more powerful than primitive types.

There are several approaches we can take. One is factory functions, which require you to define the transform function, plus an interface with its type definition. Another, classes, which are self-contained in the sense of functionality and type. I’d like to make a case for the latter since classes don’t get much love these days.

We will explore what it would take to stick plain objects into classes while allowing us the flexibility we need when working with our custom data types and providing additional functionality (getters/setters/methods).

The Simple Solution

To start, we’ll define a plain class:

class Person {
  name: string
  lastName: string

  constructor(payload: Partial<Person>){ = || ''
    this.lastName = payload.lastName || ''

Which we can then use like this:

new Person({ name: 'Alice', lastName: 'Liddell' });

// and since the payload can be a "Partial" Person
new Person({ name: 'Alice' });

But we want more. We want to be able to construct these dynamically at runtime, from incoming values, without having to go the constructor of each class to set up each property.

An alternative would be to programmatically assign the values to each property from the payload. A common pattern for this is the following:

class Person {
  name: string = '';
  lastName: string = '';

  constructor(payload: Partial<Person>){
    for(const key in payload){
        this[key] = payload[key];

It’s pretty straightforward: We call this.hasOwnProperty to make sure we set values only for properties belonging to this class.

This is good and all, but it will only be useful when we want our class to only contain primitive types. Aside from that is the fact that we’d need to repeat the same constructor in every class.

Let’s see a more practical class definition:

import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import { Decimal } from 'decimal.js'

class Address {
  no: string = ''
  street: string = ''
  city: string = ''

class Person {
  name: string = ''
  lastName: string = ''
  dob: DateTime = DateTime.local()
  address: Address = new Address()
  netWorth: Decimal = new Decimal(0)

This is closer to what we’d have in a typical application. Custom data types like our own Address class, Luxon’s DateTime, or decimal.js’ Decimal.

The JavaScript Type Issue

In JavaScript, there is currently no native way to find out what type properties are and instantiate them at runtime — the reason being that types don’t really exist in JavaScript. TypeScript types are syntactic sugar for development enjoyment.

The tools for runtime type inspection in JavaScript are:

  1. typeof , which only works for primitive types
  2. instanceof , which is only useful if you already know the class or constructor function you want to check against

Give Way to reflect-metadata

Reflection is a common tool at the disposal of traditional OOP languages like Java and C#, and also languages like Go, Python, and Lua. In a nutshell, it’s a provided API that allows you to inspect a class or property at runtime, and get its type. This allows you to, among other things, create new instances from it.

The reflect-metadata proposal in JavaScript is not yet part of TC39, but it was authored by the person responsible for implementing Reflection in C#, so it’s safe to say that it will get there eventually.

Even though reflect-metadata is experimental, it has been heavily used by Angular 2 for many years now. Angular depends on it for its dependency injection mechanism, that is, creating and passing along resources when needed, at runtime.

It is like a key-value store that can only reside in classes or class properties. We can grab it and use it to auto-populate type metadata or manage our own custom metadata so that we can achieve all of our goals and dreams.

Let’s Code a More Dynamic Approach

After installing:
npm install reflect-metadata'

And importing it at the beginning of our file:
import 'reflect-metadata'

We need to make sure our tsconfig.json contains the following:

"compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

This will allow us to use decorators to trigger reflect-metadata to auto-populate the design:type metadata key in our decorated properties.

We will also need a few types:

type Constructor<T = any> = { new(...args: any[]): T }

type Indexable = { [key: string]: any }

type DeepPartial<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends Array<infer U>
    ? Array<DeepPartial<U>>
    : DeepPartial<T[P]>

Constructor: Is used to represent constructor functions or classes, on which we can call new
Indexable: Is used to define indexable classes or objects on which you can do object[key]
DeepPartial: Is used to allow us to specify partial representations of objects or classes, as the provided Partial TypeScript utility only works for one level of depth

Now on to the decorators:

function Primed(target: any, propertyKey: string) {}

function Model<T extends Constructor>(constructor: T){
  return class extends constructor {
    constructor(...args: any[]){

Primed: It doesn’t have a body but will be used to trigger Reflect.metadata to be added on the decorated property, as reflect-metadata only auto-populates the design:type metadata for properties that are decorated
Model: It will be used to override the decorated class’s constructor so that we can call our custom initialization method implicitly

We will create a Base class that will take care of initializing our properties, creating new instances when required:

class Base<T> {
  constructor(payload: DeepPartial<T>){}

  private init(payload: any){
    for(const key in payload){
        const factory: Constructor = Reflect.getMetadata('design:type', this, key)
        (this as Indexable)[key] = factory ? new factory(payload[key]) : payload[key]

You’ll notice we added a different method for initializing our instances, and our constructor is empty.

This is because we want to initialize A from within B so that we don’t have to copy the constructor to every class. If A extends B and A contains properties which have a default value, you can’t set A’s properties from within B’s constructor, as they will be overridden by A’s default values:

class A{
  constructor(){ = "bar"

class A extends B {
  foo = null

console.log(new A())

// Output: A { foo: null }

And that’s why we have an init method. We’re making sure A gets fully initialized before setting properties in it.

So inside the init method, we call:
Reflect.getMetadata('design:type', this, key) to get the metadata that was auto-populated for that key in the instance, which will contain the value associated with the type assigned to the decorated property. If it exists, we create a new instance with new, passing the value into it.

Using our earlier example, the classes will now look like this:

import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import { Decimal } from 'decimal.js'

class Address extends Base<Address> {
  no: string = ''
  street: string = ''
  city: string = ''

class Person extends Base<Person> {
  name: string = ''
  lastName: string = ''

  dob: DateTime = DateTime.local()

  address: Address = new Address()

  netWorth: Decimal = new Decimal(0)

There’s a little problem with this. We’d get a type error if tried to do the following:

const person = new Person({
  name: 'Alice',
  lastName: 'Liddell',
  dob: '1852-05-04T12:00:00.000Z',
  address: {
    street: 'East 74th Street',
    city: 'Manhattan'
  netWorth: 99

That’s because we want to pass a string into our dob field and a number into our netWorth field, and our Person class is expecting a DateTime and a Decimal respectively. What we can do is modify our Base class to accept an optional second type, which we can use to create a new union type between it and the target class’s type.

This is what that would look like:

type BaseConstructorPayload<T, U = undefined> = DeepPartial<U extends undefined ? T : T | U>

class Base<T, U = undefined> {
  constructor(payload: BaseConstructorPayload<T, U>){}


Which we can then use like so:

interface PersonInput {
  dob: string
  netWorth: number

class Person extends Base<Person, PersonInput> {

Dealing With Arrays and Other Custom Types

We’re almost there, but we still have a couple of problems:

  1. reflect-metadata doesn’t populate design:type on arrays properly. It sets them to Array instead of the expected type.

  2. Not all of our custom data types will be created/initialized the same. With Luxon’s DateTime, we’d want to initialize it with DateTime.fromISO. We’d want the flexibility with other types as well.

To address these, we need to be able to customize the way we specify what type something is when needed, and for that, we will introduce a new metadata key.

We’ll allow the Primed decorator to accept an optional parameter, which will be a class or function. We will then save that into the CONSTRUCTOR_META key with Reflect.defineMetadata:


export function Primed(constructor?: Constructor) {
  return (instance: any, propertyKey: string) => {
      Reflect.defineMetadata(CONSTRUCTOR_META, constructor, instance, propertyKey)  

To deal with Luxon’s DateTime and other custom types that might be created different ways, we’ll check for them and initialize them manually through a new private function parseValue.

To deal with arrays, we’ll check the design:type metadata to know if we need to iterate.
We will be getting our new metadata under CONSTRUCTOR_META, which will take precedence over design:type:

export class Base<T, U = undefined> {
  constructor(payload: BaseConstructorPayload<T, U>){}

  private init(payload: any){
    for(const key in payload){
        const designType: Constructor = Reflect.getMetadata("design:type", this, key)
        const constructorMeta: Constructor = Reflect.getMetadata(CONSTRUCTOR_META, this, key)
        const factory = constructorMeta || designType

        const isArray = designType === Array
        const value = isArray ? payload[key].map(v => this.parseValue(v, factory)) : this.parseValue(payload[key], factory)
        ;(this as Indexable)[key] = value

  private parseValue(value: any, factory: Constructor){
      if(factory === DateTime)
        return DateTime.fromISO(value)
      else if(factory === Decimal)
        return new Decimal(value)
      else if(factory.prototype instanceof Base.constructor)
        return new factory(value)
    return value

Finally, after making addresses an array, this will be our class definition and usage:

interface PersonInput {
  dob: string
  netWorth: number

class Person extends Base<Person, PersonInput> {
  name: string = ''
  lastName: string = ''

  dob: DateTime = DateTime.local()

  addresses: Address[] = []

  netWorth: Decimal = new Decimal(0)

const person = new Person({
  name: 'Alice',
  lastName: 'Liddell',
  dob: '1852-05-04T12:00:00.000Z',
  address: [{
    street: 'East 74th Street',
    city: 'Manhattan'
  netWorth: 99

Wrap Up

It’s safe to say that with factory functions you save yourself the initial setup at the cost of having to repeat yourself. You’d need to create both a factory function and an interface with its type definition.

You could do both, or (after overcoming a handful of obstacles) you could just do a class.

You can play around the code in this codesandbox.

There are a couple of caveats when using reflect-metadata to auto-populate type metadata: It doesn’t handle self-references or circular references.
I actually made a simple package, primed-model, that solves these problems, providing the outlined decorators and base class. It also provides a clone method, for preventing side effects when passing the class instance around. Check it out if you’re interested!

You can also check out class-transformer if you want to see a different, on-steroids take on this task.

Let’s show classes some love!

That’s all, and thanks for reading.

Top comments (2)

christo profile image

Nice article, it shows why node/ts should not be use with OOP.

shiasyn profile image
Er Myril

Dude, this article is a gem, although I didn't understand most of it
Thank you!