DEV Community

Don’t Let Anyone Tell You that You’re Not a ‘Real’ Programmer

Erik Dietrich on September 19, 2019

I originally published this post about a week ago, on the DaedTech blog. Apologies for my absence last week from the tech pundit-o-sphere. I was,...
skhmt profile image
Mike • Edited

What is a programmer in a professional sense?

Someone that does it as the focus of their job, with a title of "computer scientist" or "software engineer" or "developer"? Is someone in IT that uses the command line to access her routers and write scripts also a programmer? Is an accountant that writes Excel VBA scripts a programmer? Is someone that exclusively uses WYSIWYG web development tools a programmer? Is an author that writes about people who write code a programmer? Is a mathematician that writes pseudocode on paper but never enters it into a computer a programmer?

Or is a programmer simply someone that self-identifies themselves as a programmer, regardless of any actual touching of an electronic system nor writing of any code?

daedtech profile image
Erik Dietrich

I suppose one could apply any of those definitions. What I was hoping to express is that there's no upside for anyone, in any of those positions, to internalize the message of "you're not a real programmer."

At best, the message would be tautological. If you tell the accountant with her macros and VBA that she's not a real programmer, because if she were, then her job title would be "programmer" and not "accountant," her response would probably be "uh, okay, I suppose you're right, but you probably didn't need to say that out loud." But, whoever is telling her that probably isn't simply a set theory buff that enjoys a little stating of the obvious, but rather someone being snide to her about what she's doing.

In the end, I think the question of "what makes someone a programmer" is an interesting one in a world where a lot of knowledge work will include at least little bits of automation. But I think the question "what makes someone a real programmer" is a much less productive one, because I don't think people using that terminology are looking for definitions as much as they are looking to feel superior to people.

ghost profile image

First of all, "Real programmers" in xkcd is a mandatory reference for this topic.

To me is as simple as someone who write programs as a main occupation, to me you can be a programmer even if you don't earn money from it but then you're not a "professional" one.

Q:Is someone in IT that uses the command line to access her routers and write scripts also a programmer?

My A: not to me is a thing of focus, just as update my OS doesn't make me a sysadmin

Q: Is an accountant that writes Excel VBA scripts a programmer?
My A: just as before, if you develope accountaint systems yes, if you use Excel as a tool you are not a programmer just like I'm not an accountant because I manage my personal money.

Q: Is someone that exclusively uses WYSIWYG web development tools a programmer?
My A: Are you making a "program" or designing a website? if the later I would call them a designer.

Q: Is an author that writes about people who write code a programmer?
My A: Nope, s(he) is a writer

Q: Is a mathematician that writes pseudocode on paper but never enters it into a computer a programmer?
My A: Nope, pseudocode is not a computer program just like a blueprint is not a house and an architect is not a civil engineer.

To me one of the main problems with this "real programmer" is that people turns a qualitative thing in a quantitative one. Being programmer is not "better" than other profession, is just a label to describe what you do and can do. I don't call myself a lawyer being an engineer not because an lawyer is more or less that an engineer (maybe lawyer was a bad example, ew, just a joke, not sue me) is because it would be a lie, I don't do that job, and actually would be a felony in most places.

Does your IDE/text editor, make your code not run? probably not, so there is no effect in you being or not a programmer.

conw_y profile image

To play a friendly devil's advocate...

Sometimes it's good to have a bit of a 'wake up call' part-way through your career and realise that you had a really big blind-spot for a long time.

People won't necessarily tell you what you're missing. They may not be aware or they may not want to demotivate you or put you on the spot.

A big blind-spot for me was time-efficiency. It simply never occurred to me that an algorithm could get exponentially slower if its time-complexity increased disproportionately to its inputs. This actually stung me once, when writing a selector that mapped from a Redux store. So no, this isn't just theory, it can actually affect real-life development!

Still, great post, thanks for sharing!

daedtech profile image
Erik Dietrich

Thanks for the kind words!

And, I wouldn't dispute anything about what you're saying here. But I feel like it'd be just as effective, or moreso, for someone to come to you and say "hey, computing Fibonacci via recursion is pretty slow -- you should read up on this O-notation thing" as opposed to "real programmers don't use recursion."

I think that latter message has little, if any benefit. It would put most people in a defensive posture, it's an oversimplification, and it's kind of a non sequitur for just about any context in which it arises. In other words, I think you can have that epiphany/wake-up call without the baggage that comes with internalizing someone's judgement.

Personally, I often have such wake-up calls stumbling through things all on my own, absent any external stimulus.

costinmanda profile image
Costin Manda

Oh, thank you for adding that Git thing. Now I can look in the mirror again...

daedtech profile image
Erik Dietrich

Wow, thanks for the kind words! I'm glad if you get something out of the posts.