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Discussion on: Explaining currying to myself

damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset • Edited

Oh, you are right, it should be func and not fn. Thank you, I updated the code.

You know what, I actually have an issue with that. If I remove nextFunc from the arguments, I have an TypeError when I call my curried function.

But, when I implement my same curried function using the function keyword :

function curried(func,arity = func.length) {
  return (function nextCurried(prevArgs){
    return function curried(nextArg){
      let args = prevArgs.concat( [nextArg] );

      if (args.length >= arity) {
        return func( ...args );
      else {
        return nextCurried( args );
  })( [] )

I don't need to specify this third argument. My guess is ( and it's only a guess so far ) that the arrow functions somehow changes something in my implementation. I'll dig a bit more. Good question!

mikkpr profile image
Mikk Pristavka • Edited

And don't forget to also change the default value of arity from fn.length to func.length :)