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Discussion on: Modern Full-Stack Developer Tech Stack 2021

damienpirsy profile image
Matteo Vignoli

If you write an article on "Modern full-stack tech" I'm expecting far more than this - I know that we are so accustomed to bad and click-baity titles so noone pays attention to the matching content anymore, but still...
Excalty what you said: Vercel and AWS don't compete, that's why is so wrong to list them toghether. Netlify and Vercel do, but AWS is so many things, such a humongous set of services, that you cannot compare it with them; I'm no expert so I cannot say what could be close to that (S3 + Lambda + Route + Api Gateway + DynamoDB maybe?), since it doesn't have a jamstack solution equivalent.

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riobrewster profile image

Since you have 10 years of experience you have more than many people here. You obviously have strong opinions on the subject and you certainly write well enough in your rant.

If you despair of the quality of the posts here, I say put your money where your mouth is!

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damienpirsy profile image
Matteo Vignoli

I clearly stated:
1) I'm not good at writing;
2) I don't like to write ;
3) I don't WANT to write;
4) I don't know more than other people,
5) I don't feel I've something to teach;
And in all these things you understood exactly the opposite.

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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riobrewster profile image

I understand perfectly. From reading your comments:

1) You are good enough at writing.
2) You obviously DO know more than other people.
3) You obviously DO have plenty to teach.
4) And you DO like writing well enough to complain and reply to everyone else.

In the time you've taken writing your first rant and all your replies you could have written something actually constructive and helpful.

Less espresso dude.

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riobrewster profile image

I understand perfectly. From reading your comments:

1) You are good enough at writing.
2) You obviously DO know more than other people.
3) You obviously DO have plenty to teach.
4) And you DO like writing well enough to complain and reply to everyone else.

In the time you've taken writing your first rant and all your replies you could have written something actually constructive and helpful.

Less espresso dude.

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riobrewster profile image

I understand perfectly. From reading your comments:

1) You ARE good enough at writing.
2) You obviously DO know more than other people.
3) You obviously DO have plenty to teach.
4) And you DO like writing well enough to complain and reply to everyone else.

In the time you've taken writing your first rant and all your replies you could have written something actually constructive and helpful.

Less espresso dude.

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damienpirsy profile image
Matteo Vignoli

There's a HUGE difference between writing a comment and writing a post, and it's not only the time spent on the activity - If you fail to see it, that's might be a reason for the overall decline of post quality.
I'm also failing to see the the "actually constructive and helpful" part of your comments, so... Have a nice day, see you around