DEV Community

Discussion on: How important is math in computer programming?

damirtomic profile image

There's a problem with websites such as HackerRank: they only test things that can be automated.

The tasks they give you must be formed in such a way that their solution can be quickly verified by a program. Meaning, the tasks must be defined explicitly in a unambiguous way.

For a specific input, your program must return a specific output. Logical thinking is an important trait but it is not the only factor in programming.

These tasks are written by skilled programmers. However, in real life, your client won't be an engineer who figured everything out beforehand. You will have to be flexible, use object design, refactor, improvise along the way and often, work as a team.

How will you gauge these skills? You need human analysis and commentary which takes money and time.

And yet, these sites teach people that the only important thing to know is algorithms. They don't say: "eh, we test a part of your skillset. The other, equally important segments are too much of a hassle for us to check".