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Discussion on: How to make component like <card.header>

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

You first need a top-level Card component.
You can declare a static properties named Header and Body (Capitalize them to adhere to React guideline)

You can follow along here.

class Card extends Component {
  static Header;
  static Body;
  render() {
    return (...);

Then you need to implement those two static properties.

Card.Header = ({ children }) => {...};
Card.Body = ({ children }) => {...};

If you need to nest those Card.Header/Body components, you need to use a context to pass top-level values available.

So Card would look like this,

const CardContext = createContext();

class Card extends Component {
  static Header;
  static Body;

  setName = name => this.setState({ name });
  state = {
    name: "Default Card Name",
    setName: this.setName

  render() {
    return (
      <CardContext.Provider value={this.state}>

And your Header/Body can access Card value using either useContext hook or as a render prop.

// Using React Hooks (available from v16.8.0 and on)
Card.Header = ({ children }) => {
  const ctx = useContext(CardContext);
  return <h1>{children ||}</h1>;
Card.Body = ({ children }) => {
  const ctx = useContext(CardContext);
  return (
      <h2>Card Name: {}</h2>

// Using Render Props (before & excluding v16.8.0)
Card.Header = ({ children }) => {
  return (
      {ctx => <h1>{children ||}</h1>}
Card.Body = ({ children }) => {
  return (
      {ctx => (
          <h2>Card Name: {}</h2>

Now you can use Card/Header/Body like following and can also nest inside other elements.

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
        <Card.Header />
        <br />
        <Card.Header>Custom Header</Card.Header>
        <article style={{ margin: "5rem" }}>
            <h3>This is card body</h3>

If you have an account, Kent C. Dodds has an Advaned React Component Patterns course, which discusses this technique in detail.

wmgstar profile image
Software Engineer

Thanks, Looks good