DEV Community

Discussion on: SQL tips for beginners; what I learned after 10+ years of occasionally writing queries and schemas as a web dev

danjelo profile image

Great article, agree on many things!

Regarding indexing I would be at bit wary though when to add them. Most DB's has queryplans and such to determine when to use an index, guess it is based on rowcount and cardinality and other things.

Also composite indexes are worth mentioning,
i.e an index of (columnA, columnB) might be used for
WHERE columnA = value AND columnB = value
and also:
WHERE columnA = value

rap2hpoutre profile image
Raphaël Huchet

Thank you for your feedback.

I guess you are right about index (you are not alone, many comments are similar, here and on reddit). Thank you for the precision about composite indexes!