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Discussion on: Build an API Gateway with NestJs in 10 minutes

danmt profile image
Daniel Marin

To learn more about monolith vs microservices you can read an article like this this kind of architecture scales better but it's indeed harder to maintain.

cyberluke profile image
Lukas Satin

What do you mean? Nest.js has been built for microservices. Otherwise you can use Java Spring Boot or IBM Websphere for monolithic stuff. The goal is to use microservices. This article about Nest.js is misleading and should not be presented as good practice. This is for lazy people, who make mistakes. There is no advantage in Nest.js. I have been in the game for too long. Why write article how they did it 20 years ago using new framework not built for that?

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danmt profile image
Daniel Marin

You say "Nest.js has been built for microservices", NestJs wasn't build only for microservices, it was build to fullfill the need of having a modular structure when writing NodeJs applications. Nevertheless, NestJs comes with a library to implement microservices easily, this article is based on their docs and my experience building this kind of service.

Then you say "There is no advantage in Nest.js", that depends on the context in which you're using it. I hear a lot of people complaining about using Javascript because they have been "too long" in the game, that's cool but I have services running with this in production and they're providing value to it's stakeholders. Each framework has a value, this one is specially good to get started coming from an Angular background.

"Why write article how they did it 20 years ago" things evolve and change, I get that some people like you hates that, but that's just how it is. If everyone was like you "git" wouldn't exist because "SVN" already does the job, and this is just a tiny example.

I feel like you have a strong opinion against NestJs, I'm just explaining how to use it for microservices because I've seen bad implementations of it with NestJs already. You won't find in the article anything saying "If you want to do microservices NestJs is your only choice", I clearly say "We'll be using NestJs. If you havent used it already, you know that it's pretty similar to Angular, and I think it's a clever way to enable frontend developers to do things on the backend as well". My content is mainly focused towards Angular developers.