2nd week of February is done, hope everyone had a good time.
Things I learned/did this week:
- I got promoted to Senior Software Engineer ๐๐
- Started the movie-search react project based on Simon Holdorf's post: 9 Projects you can do to become a Frontend Master in 2020
- Built out the artist profile for basic-music-player, I'm super stoked on how it turned out.
Articles I've read:
- Learned about functional react components at programmingwithmosh react is blowin' my mind so far and I'm excited to delve into it more.
- I wanted to get a clearer idea of JAMStack so I read about it at jamstack.wtf
- evernoise is a neat sight that maps music genres, from main stream to ultra niche. Highly recommend checking it out if you need some new music.
I'm working on a series based off my notes from reading You Don't Know JS, so be on the lookout for them.
If you did anything cool you want to share let me know in the comments. Be seein' ya ๐ค ๐ฎ
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