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Discussion on: 30 Web Developer Interview Questions (With Answers)

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𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️ • Edited

Here's my best attempt at getting them all wrong:

1. Why is alt text important?

So users know what they're missing out on when your admin fucks up and takes the
image server offline.

2. What does the <DOCTYPE> tag in HTML do?

It reminds you what type of file you're working on at the moment.

3. Optimize this HTML code with proper semantic elements.

add class="container header", class="container article", etc. to the divs

4. What are Open Graph meta tags?

Metainformatin that allows you to make your phishing site look more legitimate.

5. What are different ways to use the <script> tag in HTML?

<script>, <SCRIPT> <Script>, etc.

6. How comfortable are you with Bootstrap?

I usually write CSS at my desk in my office chair, which is very comfortable,
but I might occasionally do work outside, in which case I cannot guarantee my
comfyness while using Bootstrap.

7. How would you override a Bootstrap button style?


8. What is the box-sizing property?

It's a CSS property that allows e-commerce sites like amazon to add semantic
information about the dimensions of a product so the user can expect what they
will be getting.

9. In what ways do you use CSS Animations effectively and efficiently?

Mostly with flash, which is very efficient by default. I also used animated gifs
with the background-image property before the industry overall abandoned that
pattern and it became considered bad practice.

10. How would you rewrite this CSS code in SCSS, using BEM naming conventions?

.BEM.buttin {, .BEM.button-with-icon {, etc.

11. What values of the display property do you know and how are they unique?

display: hidden and display: visible

12. What is Event Delegation?

The busyness practice when a new ticket is opened and the boss delegates it to
an employee matching issue-importance to employee-motivation (i.e. important
issues go to motivated employees, less important issues got to less motivated
employees and UX issues go directly to the janitor)

13. Explain the difference between the For, While, and Do...While loops.

The Four-loop repeats a block of code exactly 4 times. The while loop repeats
the code while a condition is true and the do..while loop makes sure to actually
do what you tell it to while the condition is true.

14. How do you parse data as JSON in Node.js?


15. Explain the difference between var, let, and const.

var declares a new variable, let lets go of a variable (frees its memory)
and const creates a new variable and throws an error if the user tries to
let it go.

16. How does this behave differently in arrow functions, in comparison to
regular functions?

*proceeds to rant 5 minutes about whatever the interviewer is holding in their
hand as they say "this" (presumably a pen, glass of water, or maybe interview

Okay, that's about the extent of my stamina for making up stupid answers. Maybe
someone else can take over from question 17 onward? 😉