DEV Community

Discussion on: Simplifying a JavaScript Function With 12 Automated Refactorings

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️ • Edited

As always, I would much prefer the form

const lineChecker = (line, isFirstLine) => {
   if (line === "")
      return `<br />`
   else if (isFirstLine)
      return `<h1>${line}</h1>`
      return `<p>${line}</p>`
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Or alternatively

const lineChecker = (line, isFirstLine) =>
   (line === "")
      ? `<br>`
      : isFirstLine
         ? `<h1>${line}</h1>`
         : `<p>${line}</p>`
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Early return for anything other than errors just makes the code harder to follow and should be avoided whenever it's not really necessary, which is often a sign that a function does too much.