DEV Community

Discussion on: Migrating my portfolio site from Next.js to Remix

darryl profile image
Darryl Young

Thanks for sharing, Thomas. I just started a static website using Next.js and upon going through the Remix documentation, I decided to do it there instead. I'm only a couple of days in but I'm liking what I see so far. Also, like many people, it's sometimes fun to play around with new things.

I see from your source code that you're deploying to Vercel. Have you had any issues here? Deployment to Vercel, using Next.js, is obviously extremely smooth so is there anything to look out for when deploying a Remix app there? Thanks!

thomasledoux1 profile image
Thomas Ledoux

Hey Darryl, my pleasure!
Deployment to Vercel was quite smooth.
It is however best to create your remix app through the CLI and choose the Vercel template from the start, I found it hard to change this after creating the app..
Good luck!

darryl profile image
Darryl Young

Hi, Thomas. Thanks for the quick reply! That's good to hear as I started the Remix project using the CLI, with Vercel selected for deployment, so I guess I'm good. Great article, by the way.