DEV Community

Discussion on: [Halp!] How do you take notes?

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David Vassallo

My solution to this problem is .... Github! There are probably multiple ways to use GitHub as your personal note taking repo but my current approach is to:

  • Create a separate, blank repo (bonus: you can make it private)
  • Don't commit any code... instead, every "note" you'd like to remember becomes an "issue". So everything I'd like to take a note I simply open an "issue" in my notes repo

This approach give you several advantages... it's easy to search, it's easy to add labels, it's easy to share the notes (and even have others contribute via comments), and easy to add references and addendums via comments to your own issues. Plus.... you get a GraphQL API for your notes, for free!

That was my thinking behind my own notes repo:

I use the GraphQL API to power a front-end that I use to browse my notes on my smartphone whenever I want to "revise" or have some free time:

Hope that's a good inspiration!!! :)