DEV Community

Discussion on: Are you more optimistic or pessimistic for the future of the software development career?

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Dave Parr

I think it depends on how you frame it and your personal situation:

I'm lucky enough to be in the UK, where we have a furlough system in place to support 80% of (most) peoples wages by government subsidies. I also am furloughed from a start up company building software to help run energy efficient buildings. That company has not taken the threshold for government start up support of £250,000 VC funding, and our initial contracts for our product we were hoping to close are now much more difficult to close as the clients (hospitality and local government) have had their profits slashed and their budgets reassigned respectivly.

So personally this is a great situation for me for personal development (working on learning django right now), but from a company based perspective it's a real blow.