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Discussion on: The Customer Service of Web Development

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David Walz • Edited

It's been my experience so far that the websites I've inherited are in need of a redesign because they are full of vulnerabilities. Outdated technology cough php 5.7 cough. Or maybe they have 50+ plugins, most of which are outdated. Or maybe they just look really dated as far as the design goes.

I feel like the spirit of what you are saying is similar to the Japanese concept called, "Kaizen". Understand what it is that your are doing and make improvements as you go that push you closer to that goal. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

I do feel that we are here to service the user. Like the movie Tron, we fight for the user. :) Only we have multiple users. We have the people that use the frontend of the website and we have the people who log into the CMS, the CMS user.

I think the amount of code we push is less relevant. None of our users care about the amount of code.

You mention it would be better if everyone was assigned their own smaller projects. I understand this want. If you had a smaller project that you had full control over that would be gratifying, but also limiting. I've been surprised many times by other teammate's ideas that I didn't understand at first, but def made the project better. Communication and trust are key. Also building a workflow together really helps.

It's definitely a craft, make no mistake. You are a craftsman.