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Discussion on: Build a quick Summarizer with Python and NLTK

davidisrawi profile image
David Israwi • Edited

Thank you very much, Sebastian!

I agree with you -- having the whole sentence as the dictionary key will bring a better reliability to the program compared to the first 12 characters of the sentence, my decision was mainly regarding the overheat, but as you said: it is almost negligible. One bug that I would look for is the use of special characters in the text, mainly the presence of quotes and braces, but this is an easily fixable issue (I believe using the three quotes as you are currently doing will avoid this issue)

I summarized the same article and got the following summary:

It boldly proclaims: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. President Lincoln extended the American Dream to slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. How the American Dream Changed Throughout U.S. history, the definition of happiness changed as well. After the 1920s, many presidents supported the idea of the Dream as a pursuit of material benefits. While running for President in 2008, Hillary Clinton proposed her American Dream Plan. Did the Great Recession Create a New American Dream? Some people think the Great Recession and rising income inequality spelled the end of the American Dream for many. Instead, many are turning to a new definition of the American Dream that better reflects the values of the country for which it was named. For example, the Center for a New American Dream envisions "... a focus on more of what really matters, such as creating a meaningful life, contributing to community and society, valuing nature, and spending time with family and friends." Financial adviser Suze Orman described the new American Dream as one "... where you actually get more pleasure out of saving than you do spending. (Source: Suze Orman on the New American Dream, ABC.) Both of these new visions reject the American Dream based on materialism. But perhaps there is no need to create a New American Dream from scratch.

Feel free to use my version for comparison!

How short your summary was may be a result of the way you are using the Stemmer, I would suggest testing the same article without it to verify this. Besides that, your code is looking on point -- clean and concise. If you are looking for ways to improve your results, I would suggest you explore the following ideas:

  • Having a variable threshold
  • Using TFIDF instead of our word value algorithm (not sure if it'll bring better results but worth the try)
  • Having some kind of derivated value added from the previous sentence for consistency

Thanks for the suggestion!

sebastiannielsen profile image
Sebastian-Nielsen • Edited

Cool website you got yourself there!

I got a question I forgot to ask. Why do you turn the 'stopwords' list into a set()? First I thought it was because you properly intented to remove duplicate items from the list, but then it stroke me.. Why would there be duplicate items in a corpus list containing stop words? When I compared the length of the list before and after turning it into a set. There was no difference:

len(stopwords.words("english") == len(set(stopwords.words("english")))
Outputs: True

Tracing the variable throughout the script, I most admit, I can not figure out why you turned it into a set. I assume it is a mistake?
Or do you have any specific reason for it?

  • by the way, thanks for the TFIDF suggestion, I am currently working on improving the algorithm by implementing the tfidf concept.
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davidisrawi profile image
David Israwi

Hmm, I believe the first time I used the list of stop words from NLTK there were some duplicates, if not I am curious too, lol. It may be time to change it to a list.

Thanks for the note!

If you ever try your implementation using TFIDF, let me know how it goes.