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Discussion on: Top 6 Best Hobbies For a Developer

dayvster profile image
Dayvster 🌊

Every second day is still better than "no day" ;)

Do you also find that your mind works better post excercise?
I feel a lot sharper and a lot more ready to tackle my chores or engage in my hobbies post excercise.

I don't know the specifics of it but I suppose it has to have something to do with the adrenaline or something.

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megangawlinski profile image

Yes I feel better in every way :)

I should do my exercises before work, but I am having problems with getting out of bad in the last couple of week - I think winter time is not my favorite time of the year πŸ˜…

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metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

I signed up for a gym with a personal trainer. Twice a week. It's not cheap but I guess that's the price to pay for not doing any actual workout for nearly 50 years. :) It's a good thing I have a trainer because I often don't do the exercises correctly and he's there to tell me. He's also good at identifying which parts needs more strengthening, etc. I'm doing this for 6 months and after that I'm hoping I'll know what I'm doing enough to go on my own. If I had just signed up for a random gym, I wouldn't go. In this case I have an appointment and, if I don't show up, they charge me anyway. Good incentive!

He's shown me some exercises I can do at home, like dumbbells and floor exercises and I'm also trying to get back into doing a bit of yoga more regularly.

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megangawlinski profile image

I think that is a good idea! :)
For me, personally, that is no solution. I had a membership at a gym for more than two year. At the beginning I went there three times a week. After a while I got sick and after that I just couldn't get my self to show up at the gym anymore πŸ˜…

So I signed up for a home workout app (it also saves a lot of time)... and that really helps me. A personal trainer would not be good for me because I can get really mean when I get to the point where I think that I am out of energy 😏 And I don't want to yell at somebody πŸ˜‚

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metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

The sessions with the trainer are only 30 minutes, so I can usually handle it. Anything more I would get bored or wouldn't have the energy (my appointment is usually around 4 pm).

I have a yoga app on my iPad (Daily Yoga), but I have been really bad at getting back into it since my concussion last winter. I tried a couple of workout apps but I really need to "master" the basics before I go on my own. I'm really good at messing myself up!