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Redux vs. The React Context API

Dave Ceddia on July 17, 2018

React 16.3 added a new Context API – new in the sense that the old context API was a behind-the-scenes feature that most people either didn’t kno...
dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

I found explanations to be quite easy to digest, as you were explaining basics (of Context API) first and moved onto more advanced examples as you did in your Pure React book 📕 (which is where I learned most about React).

dceddia profile image
Dave Ceddia

Thanks! Glad to hear you got a lot out of Pure React too :)

keabard profile image
Thomas Simonnet

Great article. The examples of Context API usage are very well thought, they really help building the mental bridge between new Context and Redux.

mksdziag profile image

Great article Dave. Well explained. Thanks!