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Carl Saunders
Carl Saunders

Posted on • Edited on

43 13

💨Super Quick CSS: Smooth Scrolling

Transform Your Website's UX With This One Liner

html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If like me you've got a single page website and your using bookmarks (anchors tags that reference an element by id), allowing user to navigate to different sections of the website. Then you need to add this CSS property scroll-behavior: smooth;, which will smoothly scroll the page content into view.

Working Example

Below the CodePen demonstrates the smooth scrolling of the content when you click one of the navigation links.


Before - Without Smooth Scrolling

Before - Without Smooth Scrolling

After - With Smooth Scrolling

After - With Smooth Scrolling

Things To Note

The scroll-behavior property doesn't seem to work on the body element, so best to add it to the html element.

This property isn't currently support by all browsers, but this shouldn't stop you using it as it won't break and defaults to the standard behavior.

Top comments (12)

bakercode profile image

I was playing with your code (on and i didn't see any difference between using that line and not using it. I don't know, maybe i am too noob or my browser (chrome) is the problem.

In the second case, ¿what browser can i use for it? Thanks for repplying me.

deadlybyte profile image
Carl Saunders • Edited

I've added some animated gifs to show the before and after UX of applying the scroll-behavior: smooth property. Hopefully this'll make it clearer if your browser doesn't support this feature.

After - With Smooth Scrolling

After - With Smooth Scrolling
bakercode profile image

Oh i get it. What i was doing is scrolling with my mouse. I didn't clicked the links. I already see the difference. Thanks for the GIFs.

Thread Thread
deadlybyte profile image
Carl Saunders

Glad adding the GIFs cleared up what was happening.

hungnguyenkt profile image

You should try again <3
scroll-behavior supported Chrome and Firefox.

hnnx profile image

I tried chrome mobile and desktop and it works - I wonder why the effect persists even if you remove it though

deadlybyte profile image
Carl Saunders

Did you make the changes via CodePen or locally? As could be a caching issue. My other CodePen without the property works as expected.

zenzenzen profile image

I love this! Thanks so much for the share on this little tip.

mdhesari profile image
Mohammad Fazel

That was nice, thank you!

deadlybyte profile image
Carl Saunders • Edited

No worries, wish everything was this simple to implement. There's really no excuse not to implement this.

lamka02sk profile image

Thank you for the article! Never heard of this cool feature before.

deadlybyte profile image
Carl Saunders

No worries, glad you found it useful.