DEV Community

Discussion on: An Introduction to Tailwind CSS & Template Collection

deathshadow60 profile image

All of these templates simply prove what I've been saying for over a decade about these garbage frameworks. They are a monument to ignorance, incompetence, and ineptitude.

It's bad enough the BLATANT accessibility failures in terms of design with the undersized fixed metric fonts, illegible colour contrasts / text placements, and BROKEN layouts for users of non-standard font metrics.... Without the massive code bloat and middle finger to non-visual UA's that is the non-semantic markup and double "screw you" to more than two decades of progress via recreating EVERYTHING that was wrong with HTML 3.2 / 4 Tranny via presentational classes.

It is utter trash like Failwind and bootcrap that result in people blowing two to ten times the markup needed to do the job, so they can use a garbage framework that by itself is twice or more the size of the CSS ANY website really needs, to often write as much if not more CSS on top of it as they'd have without the stupid framework in the first place!

How the blazes is any of this chazerei "easier", "better for collaboration", or any of the other BALD FACED LIES people spew about the subject? This is basically the Wizard's First Rule in action. "People are dumb, they'll believe a lie because they want it to be true, or are afraid it might be".

It is evident from a simple "view source" of ANYTHING built with Failwind that the people who CREATED the system are unqualified to write a single line of HTML, much less have the unmitigated GALL to tell others how to do so.

Let's just pick one as an example... "Shine" looks like a simple one and we have gibberish heading orders, a lack of logical document structure, button+js doing a chekcbox's job, multiple span doing generated content or a webfont's job, static style in the markup, lack of media targets, attributes we've not needed in HTML 5 since it was introduced like type="text/css" or type="text/javascript",, paragraphs around content that are NOT grammatical paragraphs, and of course the hallmark of CSS framework idiocy: endless pointless DIV for nothing with endless pointless WET (we enjoy typing) presentational classes dragging the site-building mentality back to the worst of the mid '90's browser wars.

/FAIL/ at web development, and why it's hardly a shock they're vomiting up 24k of inaccessible hard to maintain markup MINIFIED for 3.4k of plaintext and not even a dozen content media; in all likelihood not even 10k of HTML's flipping job!

Going hand in hand with the utterly insane 131k of CSS and megabyte of JavaScript on a page that doesn't warrant more than 16k of CSS or possibly even ANY JavaScript.

And even if you "Don't care about the code" that it's all a giant "screw you" to non-visual users and indeed many normally able bodied people should be a warning sign that you're being bamboozled by snake oil peddlers.

But sure, keep telling me how writing two to ten times the code needed in as inaccessible a fashion and outdated a mindset as possible is somehow magically "easier" or "better".