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Discussion on: Stop Building Your UI Components like this❌

deathshadow60 profile image
deathshadow60 • Edited

And there it is folks, as easily predicted @toxictoast has given us the typical "wah wah is not, please shut up" response so common amongst cultists drinking too deeply of the tainted flavor-aid. Because how DARE anyone have an opinion that differs from his own. I mean if people start pointing out the BALD FACED LIES about how "great" React is, someone might actually stop using it in places where it's doing harm.

You can't maintain a an echo chamber of lies when people start speaking out. Hence your butthurt reaction screaming about a "shit post" because it DARES to contradict the delusional fairy tale that "JS is the solution to every blasted problem, who cares how many users it screws over!". @rkallan gave us a great example of that with the incompetent wreck that is Materials UI, where they use 5k of JavaScript and a form that doesn't work right scripting off, to do what HTML and CSS can do in a half dozen lines of code. All because the people who made MUI don't know enough HTML to be telling anyone how to build websites. Don't believe me, take a look at the markup any of their template examples vomit up. Broken stupid DIV soup with zero semantics, zero accessibility, and that's just the markup.

It's also comedy that I'm speaking out against how it screws over site owners and users, and you think I'm making it about me. Because nothing says a narcissistic "me me me" like saying how non-inclusive the result is, talking about accessibility failings, and how many people it leaves out to dry.

But sure, I'm making it about me. Of course I am... and I'm the one "biased by opinion" as I talk about actual issues and problems that apparently mean NOTHING to you. Thus why it's no surprise RRKallan thought you don't care about accessibility or simplicity of code, because that's what I'm talking about and defending.

Whilst you seem to be defending... well, your opinion to the exclusion of others, whilst omitting any facts. As I wrote over on Medium, stop contradicting, start refuting.

You could start by providing an example of something built in React that doesn't have accessibility failings, a lack of graceful degradation, etc, etc. But no, you'll just keep spewing unsupported propaganda, glittering generalities, and defense of the indefensible all to maintain that all-so-precious status quo that lets unqualified flim-flam snake-oil peddlers bamboozle, hoodwink, and otherwise sucker mark after mark.

Because again, apparently my caring about all the clients and users this stuff screws over is a "me me me" response.